GTFU :How to Grow The Fuck Up and become an ELDER at any age

GTFU Reading Tips

In the frontmatter of GTFU, just after the Preface, I included a few reading tips intended to help you derive more value from the book. Below is a list of additional tips that I will add to whenever inspiration strikes and/or readers like you share your own innovations...

Note:  Reading underwater is not recommended.

Tip #1:  Actually Read It — If you tend to buy self-help books without actually reading them (or your stop after a few pages), I recommend reading GTFU with another person or a group. My wife and I often read together: One of us reads aloud or we listen to the audiobook and read along visually. We get a lot more out of books when we can pause and discuss the concepts as we read. If you don’t know who you might partner with to read GTFU, you can subscribe to my newsletter (below) to get notified when online readings and book discussions are happening.

New Tips — Subscribers will also be notified when I add to this page...